Pasteur Institute to create Greece’s first vaccines production facility


Greece’s first vaccines production facility will be created by the Athens-based Hellenic Pasteur Institute, its Director General Dr. Stathis Gonos told Athens-Macedonian News Agency’s (ANA-MPA) radio station ‘Praktoreio FM 104.9’ on Saturday.

This will be made possible with the financial help of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), added Gonos, who went on to explain that SNF essentially funds the renovation of the building and its equipment. The scientific activities relate to Pasteur’s research team with technical and administrative support staff, adding that in addition to the production of vaccines, there will be bottling to third parties, so that “we have the opportunity, finally in Greece, to start clinical trials. That is, to make vaccines, which will be used in clinical trials, in phases 1,2,3, so that later we can have some innovative drugs. The unit is to be completed within 2022, and we estimate that the final licensing by Greece’s National Organization for Medicines (EOF) will probably take place in the next 12-18 months. We hope to be formally ready to start the production of vaccines in the beginning of 2023.”


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