Some 83% of PASOK and SYRIZA voters are in favor of forming a left coalition, according to a poll by Metron Analysis, presented on Tuesday to the Alexis Tsipras Institute convention.
The poll found that 83% of PASOK voters and 83% of SYRIZA voters responded affirmatively when asked if left-wing parties should form a coalition. In total, 69% of voters from all parties were in favor of a coalition on the left.
These findings come at a time when there are growing internal discussions in PASOK and SYRIZA regarding forming a coalition.
In a speech to SYRIZA’s parliamentary group on Thursday, Kasselakis called on PASOK to team up with SYRIZA in parliament and he stated that he would be a candidate for leadership in case a left-wing coalition is formed.
In the recent European elections, SYRIZA received 14.9% of the vote, while PASOK received 12.8%. Both parties fell significantly behind ruling New Democracy, which came in first with 28%.