During the inauguration of the building for central services of the Internal Authority for Public Revenue (AADE), the prime minister “once again reproduced the government propaganda that the increase in tax revenues during the last few years is based on the so-called reduction of tax evasion,” PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) said on Tuesday.
In a statement, PASOK-KINAL said that the reality an average Greek family is dealing with, is that the government of New Democracy has turned inflation into a basic tool of implementing economic policy.
The party said that during 2019-2024, total tax revenues are expected to rise at a triple rate (29%), compared to the increase of GDP (10%), while VAT revenues that comprised 34.5% of all tax revenues in 2019 are expected to total 38.1% in 2024. “In other words, their share in all tax revenues for the five-year period of 2019-2024 is expected to grow by 3.6 percentage points.”
At the same time, the party charged, “tax relief by the government to great wealth has led to a significant rise in inequalities, while through the proposals by AADE’s leaders, it has institutionalized ad hoc procedures in writing off taxes and cases.”
Regarding tax evasion, PASOK called on the government and AADE’s officials to boldly “open the case file on smuggling, and to fast-forward the ratification of international treaties against tax evasion, in which Greece exhibits significant delays.”