Ministers of Culture and Education decided upon the foundation of an Academy of Arts


The Minister of Culture Aristides Baltas, Minister of Education Nikos Filis and Alternate Minister of Education Sia Anagnostopoulou met on Tuesday and decided upon the foundation of an Academy of Arts.

The Academy will incorporate the Drama Schools of the National Theater and National Theater of Northern Greece, the National Conservatory of Thessaloniki and the National School of Dance.

During Tuesday’s meeting it was decided to form an interministerial committee which will determine changes in the curriculum and length of studies currently provided by these schools, in order to upgrade and induct them in higher education. This committee will also consider the recognition of qualifications acquired from private schools with similar studies.

Further, it was announced that the length and study program of the Marble Crafting School of Tinos – which is included in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity – will also be adapted so that the qualifications provided are equivalent to a higher education degree.


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